Plans and Prices

2$ user/month up to 1000 users
1$ user/month from 1000 users
Unlimited number of communities and SAAS level support

Get started

from $1000
Set up
Info section + customer brand icons + onboarding participants

Get started

✔️Up to 50 users

✔️Vibes with channels

✔️Community directory

✔️Private & group chats


✔️Youtube playlists

✔️Bookmarks and favorites

✔️Polls and quizzes

from $200 /mo*
Support with engagement strategy
that will impact performance and ROI

Get started

✔️Unlimited users

✔️Curated user dashboard

✔️Unlimited content playlists

✔️Searchable user badges (available in 2023)

✔️Charge for membership (available in 2023)

All features from Free Forever

Having recurring events?
Freeze your data for as little as $19.95/mo

from $5000
Our media experts help you map and plan successful engagement around
your company culture and objectives

Contact us to set up your tribo!

✔️Unlimited tribos

✔️Custom UX and engagement support

✔️Links to documents and tools

✔️Real-time customer support

✔️Extended stats

All features from Standard

White-label enterprise solutions and customizations available